From July 1 2014 the ATO will have increased powers to issue a range of penalties to SMSF trustees found to be in breach of superannuation laws.
The new regulations will give the ATO increased flexibility in dealing with non-compliant SMSF trustees. This will improve the ability to deal with cases fairly and appropriately.
Previous Penalties
Up until now the SMSF penalty options available to the ATO have been relatively harsh, including barring a person from being an SMSF trustee and subjecting the fund’s assets to a penalty tax.
As these penalties are disproportionate to many minor infringements by SMSF trustees, they have been used sparingly. As such there was no capacity for the ATOto deal with less serious non-compliance issues. Under the new system, the ATO will be able to apply a range of penalties to SMSF trustees including rectification orders, educational directions and administrative financial penalties. Trustees found to be in violation of superannuation law may subject to any combination of these penalties.
Rectification Orders
If a trustee is given a rectification order, they will be required to undertake specific action to rectify the non-compliance issue. Evidence of the rectification action will need to be provided to the ATO.
The ATO has indicated that it will take into consideration potential financial detriments to the fund that may be expected as a result of the rectification action.
Educational Directions
Trustees who are given educational directions will be required to undertake and complete an education program within a specified timeframe. Again, evidence of completion will need to be provided to the ATO.
While no fees can be charged for trustees who undertake a course as a result of an educational direction, any other related costs (such as travel) must not be paid or reimbursed by the relevant SMSF.
Administrative Penalties
The new administrative financial penalties are the most significant changes to current legislation.
Financial penalties ranging from $850 to $10 200 can be issued for each individual non-compliance issue, and must be paid by the trustee personally.
Funds cannot be withdrawn from the SMSF to pay the penalties, nor can the trustee be reimbursed by the SMSF.